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Here In Your Time Of Need

Blood Cleanup - Affordable & Discreet Help in Southern Idaho
(208) 329-7066

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If you have suffered through a tragedy, such as a crime or trauma, you definitely need professional assistance putting things back together.


At Steri-Clean, we understand that cleaning up an incident isn’t just about blood clean up.

In the event of moderate injuries and accidents, to gunshot wounds and suicides,  when blood is released outside the body, there’s no room for error in cleaning. Countless dieseases and microorganisms are carried in our blood, and unless you absolutely know the victim had no communicable diseases, you should never clean it yourself, or hire an employee to do it. You need to ensure your safety, protect others, and reduce your liability by hiring professionals for thorough and professional blood clean up.


Steri-Clean of Idaho is a trusted and experienced partner of many businesses, insurance companies, and law enforcement companies, and they know we can get the job done quickly, discreetly, and affordably.


You need the expertise of Steri-Clean Idaho, the leader in blood cleanup and biohazard remediation since 1995.


Steri-Clean Idahos Industry-Leading Blood Removal and Blood Cleanup Services Follow All Federal Standards


“Who cleans up blood in Idaho?”


If you’re like many people, the sight, smell and thought of blood makes you uneasy. You know it can carry dangerous microorganisms, and its presence is very disconcerting. If the scene is that of a loved on, it can be completely traumatizing in an already traumatizing situation should you clean the blood yourself. 


If you are faced with  a blood spill inside of your home, business or other environment, please don’t perform this task by yourself. You can’t afford to take chances with  emotional toll or the potential of exposure during blood clean up. That’s why Steri-Clean Idaho is here. 

Steri-Clean follows all local and federal standards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has devised a list of guidelines to minimize the risk of exposure to dangerous bloodborne pathogens like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Staph and Strep infections, gastroenteritis-salmonella, shigella, pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis (TB), malaria, measles, chicken pox, herpes and more.


At Steri-Clean, we conform to OSHA’s universal guidelines for handling blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). We also observe the best practices set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).


What you're going through is enough. Let us handle the cleanup


We Handle Blood Cleanup Scenes With Extreme Care and Discretion


Blood left behind, whether it is wet or dry, can literally be a matter of life or death.


Cleaning up blood spills can be complicated, time-consuming and dangerous. It is important to remember that blood can spread, flow with gravity, stain surfaces and contents, as well as splatter. It can seep into flooring and be aerosolized into the air as a fine mist -- in both cases, posing an extreme danger even when not visible. 


Erasing the visible signs of blood is literally just the beginning. The most dangerous part of blood is what you can't see.


Tiny and even invisible amounts of blood can still cause life altering consequences. An improper cleaning attempt which can be caused by using the wrong tools for the job, failing to use the appropriate disinfect, not leaving the disinfectant to dwell long enough, or allowing for cross-contamination, could all prove to be disastrous.

At Steri-Clean of Idaho, we treat each client as if they were our own family, and we treat each scene as if it were our own property. We always exercise extreme caution and care so we complete the job correctly the first time.  Your safety is our only priority and why we started this company over 25 years ago.


How Does The Cleanup Process Work?


  • Steri-Clean crews will always arrive in discreet vehicles to protect your privacy.

  • We treat all blood cleanup jobs as though they are potentially deadly. We clean like each scene could be contaminated with highly communicable diseases, microorganisms and viruses, then we disinfect them accordingly.

  • Each Steri-Clean Idaho technician will wear full and appropriate protective gear. 

  • Our technicians are thorough, and  detail oriented,  ensuring nothing was overlooked. 

  • We double and triple check our work, before leaving any scene. 

  • We don't inflate our prices just because we can and we always work directly with our customers insurance when requested. 

Trust Steri-Clean Idaho with any blood and biohazard cleanup needs.


Blood clean up is our specialty -- and we’re the best in the business for a reason. Call now. 


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