Steri-Clean® Idaho has over 25 years’ experience providing efficient clean up of teargas.
Steri-Clean of Idaho worked directly with a chemist to create a tear gas neutralizer. This solution breaks down the chemical compound of tear gas, rendering it safe and without odor. This proprietary blend, combined with our highly effective and unique cleaning process can quickly restore properties that are otherwise uninhabitable, to a normal environment.
What does doe tear gas do?
The main purpose of tear gas is to disperse into the air and remain airborne for some time to affect the suspect through respiratory irritation, as well as burning in the eyes, nose, and mouth. After several minutes, the tear gas then slowly settle to any surface in the home or structure in which it was fired. . Due to its oily composition, it can stick to almost any surface, but the majority of the tear gas will fall onto horizontal surfaces. Tear gas does not go away on its own. We have entered homes after a year or more of police firing tear gas into them, and it is still very strong and impossible to enter without a gas mask.
Can't we just clean tear gas ourselves?
Unfortunately, most incidents involving tear gas are far beyond the average homeowner or business owner to be able to clean. But, there are several factors that help us determine how severe a tear gas incident is.
First, the type of gas used is important to know. There are several types of tear gas that swat teams, police officers, and sheriffs deputies will fire and these include CS, OC, CN, pepper balls, flashbangs, and more.
Next, the number of canisters fired will also determine how server the irritant levels are, and how extensive the cleanup will be. 1 or 2 canisters may be rather mild, but 5, 10, 20 or more, will certainly make the structure unable to even be entered without full respiratory protection, and PPE.
Finally, the type of structure in which the tear gas is fired into, and the damage to the structure itself is another factor that will determine how involved the clean up will be. There may be broken glass, holes in the walls, doors kicked in, and more, causing more danger to residents. HVAC systems can be affected, as well as electronics that have circulating fans in them to keep them from overheating may have sucked tear gas inside of the components. All of these factors need to be considered and remediated, or the smell/irritant will last forever.
Tear gas is fired by law enforcement out of a shotgun type gun. The tear gas is contained inside of a torpedo-like canister and can be shot through every window of a home, as well as into the basement, and/or attic. When the canister ruptures inside a structure, it releases a fine, oily dust cloud that penetrates all areas of a room. Tear gas usually leaves pink or yellow paint on walls and other surfaces where the canisters have ruptured. Once the tear gas has penetrated into a wall, the drywall must be removed.
How can I get help with tear gas removal and cleanup in our home?
Our tear gas removal and remediation specialists are available to assist you if you are faced with such an incident. If you have questions or want to speak to one of our tear gas clean up specialists, our Idaho call center is open 24 hours a day and can be reached at 208-329-7066.