Steri-Clean Idaho has a quarter century of experience providing biohazard removal, disinfection, and blood & bodily fluids cleanup, in government owned vehicles and stations.
Emergency Vehicle Cleaning and Decontamination
Steri-Clean Idaho offers affordable decontamination services for emergency vehicles including police cars, fire engines, and ambulances. Our 24 hour services are requested by cities and counties after the transport of someone that was ill with a highly contagious disease or who left behind potentially hazardous bodily fluids such as urine, vomit, blood and feces.
Jail Cell Cleaning in Idaho
Jail cells are a common place where an arrested individual may be intoxicated or injured. Typical responses to jail cells and holding cells are for blood, urine, vomit, and feces. It is not uncommon to also receive requests to clean jail and holding cells after it is discovered that an arrested individual had a communicable disease like Coronavirus, C-Diff, MRSA, or other infection.
Evidence Room Cleaning
Law enforcement officers rely on Steri-Clean Idaho to effectively clean evidence lockers and drying cabinets to not only assure they are safe for the officers and deputies, but to also remove any chance of cross contamination of DNA. Steri-Clean Idaho offers emergency call out service or regularly scheduled services.
Our Idaho 24 hour call center is available 365 days a year. Call 1-888-577-7206