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Steri-Clean® Idaho | Death & Decomposition Cleanup Services

Unfortunately the most common call we received in Idaho is for undiscovered deaths. As our nations population lives longer, they often will live alone, eventually, and sadly, dying alone. 


What most people don't ever think about is what happens to the body after death. Prolonged death scenes are one of the most difficult to clean if more than a few days have passed. Steri-Clean technicians must locate all biohazardous fluids and completely clean or remove them. The associated odors with decomposition can be overpowering, often triggering neighbors that something is wrong. If 100% of the fluids are not removed, the odor will unfortunately linger for months. The odor that is present is actually from airborne bacteria, so removal is imperative for not only comfort, but health as well. 


Steri-Clean uses state of the art equipment and proprietary cleaning agents and disinfectants to effectively remove all sources from the death including the odor. Often complete removal of fluids from decomposition involves removing contents, carpeting, padding, lower portions of walls, and even subflooring. A thorough inspection and assessment will determine how far these fluids have traveled, so call Steri-Clean Idaho for a no cost evaluation. 


Due to the severity of these scenes, it is never recommended that you try to clean up a decomposition or undiscovered death unless you are trained and have the means to legally dispose of medical waste with a licensed facility for treatment. 


Our call center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call today 1-888-577-7206



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